Thursday, October 01, 2009

Get rid of Body Odour once and for all!

I am going to share with you a little secret that the manufacturers of deodorants would never want you to know.

You can get rid of body odour once and for all rather than having to use roll ons and sprays everyday.

This is how it works. Body odour is often caused by bacteria residing in your armpits. Because the armpit is a moist environment, bacteria thrive and cause that smell which make people shift seats in the MRT.

So the trick is to get rid of the bacteria.

This is what you do. Go to the pharmacy and pick up a bottle of iodine. Then go pick up a soft brush, the type that you buy to scrub the toilet floor, but a soft one. Then the next time you shower, apply the iodine to your armpit and scrub away! Leave the iodine for a few minutes and carry on with your shower. Do it for a few days and very soon, you can throw your roll on and sprays away!

So if you have a friend or a colleague at work who has BO, but you have never struck up the courage to tell him, perhaps you can send him this post as a subtle way of saying: "Hey, its time to do something about your BO!" Soon the air in the office would smell like the meadows during springtime.

Good luck!


Jessy said...

smell like meadows during springtime.. hehe..shd ask my colleague to try this =)

Anonymous said...

issit the purple or brown colour iodine?

Dr Leslie said...

Iodine is brown. The purple solution is potassium permanganate.

Anonymous said...

Will you have brown arm pit later on?

Dr Leslie said...


Anyway, brown armpit no one can see.

Smelly armpit everyone can smell.

sarah said...

does it mean the pits will have a permanent brownish tinge? no way we can wear sleeveless or tank tops then without exposing our 'brown pits'?

Dr Leslie said...

No, you will not have brown pits.

We use iodine all the time during surgery. You don't see many people with brown tinges over their surgical scars right?

Anonymous said...

Does your diet cause BO? My bf smells like what he eats. Sometimes he smells like yogurt, etc. Is there a way to get rid of the smell too?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, it works for me.

PH said...

Will the BO be gotten rid of permanently or just for a few days after using the iodine?

Dr Leslie said...

Oh it should last more than a few days if you do it properly.

Me said...

I read that iodine can cause some allergy in some people.

Dr Leslie said...

Yes if you inject iodine into the blood stream.

Anonymous said...


Just curious, what is the scientific explantion why iodine cld rid BO?

I hv a problem. I dun smell (armpit, body etc) but SOME of my cotton towel, and sports shirts/shorts (esp those DriFit material ones) do after heavy perspiration. I wonder watz the cause. Maybe I shld use iodine to wash my towels and shirts (if they dun get stained brown)

Dr Leslie said...

BO is caused by bacteria. Iodine kills bacteria.

Anonymous said...

Yes iodine kills bacteria. But wat makes iodine "more" lasting, compared to anti bacterial soap/cleansing agent? Or the bacteria tt cause BO are more susceptible to iodine?

not trying to challenge anything, its plain curiousity :)

Dr Leslie said...

Its a combination of the bacteriacidal action of the iodine and the scrubbing to remove dead skin and get right into the pores where the bacteria reside.

Anonymous said...

I'm a different visitor, but just out of curiosity as well. Wouldn't the use of iodine kill off beneficial bacteria that reside on the skin (in the armpits) too, or affect that balance of beneficial vs harmful bacteria residing in that area?

Dr Leslie said...

There was an overgrowth of bacteria causing the imbalance in the first place.

Anonymous said...

By the same token, I suppose it would work with say, diluted Dettol instead of Iodine. My experience with iodine is that it does stain temporarily ie a few days. Dettol does have a strong medicinal smell but it's not that unpleasant, and it goes away too.

JKum said...

Hi Dr Tay,

I told my friend about this 'iodine power' after reading this post. She's a hair consultant and often have to lift her arms up while administrating treating the customers. She smells quite a bit especially after a hard day work. She tried this for a few days and said it's really effective. Her smell greatly reduced. Well, at least i don't smell it while chatting with her.

She introduced this to her colleagues and now half of the salon she works at uses this formula either on themselves or on family members.

They want me to say 'Thank You' to you. They don't earn much and now can have some savings from deodorants and perfumes.

They would also like to know if this works for 'HongKong feet'. Could you advise?

Anonymous said...

Hi Doc,

Just wondering will washing of armpit with iodine cause further darkening of armpit??

And i realised the armpit will tend to have this iodine smell is it common?

Anonymous said...

Hello Doc, just some clarification needed here, do I apply the iodine first before my shower or after? Does my armpit needs to be dry or wet when applying the iodine? Is it recommended to use both deodorant and this method at the same time? Thank you so much Doctor.

Anonymous said...

Iodine under the arms is great idea. For women iodine needed for breast health and avoiding chemicals for deodorant would be great. As for the color I think colorless iodine is available.